Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Still Call Australia Home

And so, after 95 days, 15 countries and 12 languages the time had come for us to head home to the Great Southland of Australia.

We took a flight from Phuket, through KL, to Melbourne where we spent three days hanging out with Andrews Dad, Olgierd, and his wife Gracie. After having no sleep on the overnight flight we were wrecked and spent most of the time sleeping.

It was so nice resting in their beautiful house nestled in the Dandenong Ranges, eating amazing food and drinking great wine. We did very little; went for a walk one day, hung out in their garden and just generally chilled out and read books. It was a little strange, after three months, to be surrounded by familiar sights and sounds, but was a very nice place to be reintroduced to home. Thank you Tata & Gracie for having us.

And so at 7:30pm, Wednesday 27th October we landed in Adelaide, our final destination, where we were greeted enthusiastically by our family and friends. Walking up the ramp to the terminal and seeing their smiling faces was so beautiful. After many hugs we were taken back to our place where even more friends joined us and we all spent the night catching up. It was so good to see everyone again, though to be honest, we wished it were for a quick stopover before heading off on another adventure.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who hosted us during this trip; Kate & Lydia in London, Stryek, Tadeusz & Ewa, Ɓukasz & Asia, Witek & Karolina in Poland, Damion & Amy in Shanghai, Vijay & Emma in New Delhi and Olgierd & Gracie in Melbourne. We had an absolutely wonderful time with all of you!

I would also like to thank my best friend, husband, editor and travel partner, Andrew. I had the most amazing time with you. I love how we travel so well together, how we laughed our way around the nations and how we now have so many more memories to share and to reminisce on until we’re old and grey. I’m also absolutely delighted that you and I have now been to more countries together than I ever went to as a single woman. I can’t wait to see where we go next!

And finally I would also like to thank my God, Jesus Christ. For all the impossible things that only you can orchestrate so perfectly; the ridiculous amount of times we found that the weather was crap just before we arrived and yet was perfect while we were there; the early snow that I so badly wanted in Mongolia; the incredible timing of our arrivals that meant special shows or national holidays in Moscow, Beijing, Shanghai, Vietnam, and the Commonwealth Games in India! We never planned any of this but you brought it all together. We were warned many times of pick pocketing and dangers but never lost even the smallest thing. We travelled through countries that are so foreign yet felt like we were home the entire time. We caught numerous trains, buses and planes yet never missed a single connection nor lost any luggage. We had so many occasions of unmerited favour that it was almost ridiculous, so I just wanted to say thank you publically for all of that.

And so ends our journey around 2/3rds of the Northern Hemisphere in 98 days.

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